Name: Timor Steffens
Age: 24
Born: October 9, 1987
In: Roermond, The Netherlands
Now lives in: Los Angeles, US
Participated in: So You Think You Can Dance
Worked with: Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Beyoncé and others
Favorite sneakers: Nike
Favorite dancestyles: Popping, House and Modern

Tip 1
Learn the dance dictionairy
When you learn a dictionairy from the heart you know a lot of words. And that’s also how it works with  dancing. When you know a lot of moves, you will recognize them in a choreography. That makes it easier to learn a choreography. Every move has been done before. It’s just being performed in an other way.

Tip 2
New move=a puzzle
Because I have danced so much and know so many moves, my body starts to move as soon as I hear music. Sometimes I make a move and I think: that’s good!. Than I start counting to make this move fit into a choreography. Every new move is made of pieces of moves that already excist. I’ts kind of a puzzle in moves.

Tip 3
Mind your feet
Ballet is the foundation of dancing in Holland. I did ballet to. It’s a great way to learn how to control your body. But what’s even more important for a Hiphop dancer are his feet. (the way to put feet your during the moves and the steps your feet make during a move) So make sure you put a lot of work into that.

Tip 4
Believe in yourself
I started dancing seriously at the age of seventeen. I went to a dancingschool, but my teacher told me I started dancing to late to become a professional dancer. But I thought; “No, I will make it!”. And now I’m working with the biggest artists.

Tip 5
When you want to make a job out of dancing, you have to put a lot of time and effort into it. You got to have dicipline and make sure you’re always fit and looking your best. Make sure you’re always up-to-date on the latest dance styles. It’s also very important that you have your own style in dance, one that will make you stand out in an audition.

Tip 6
Be true to yourself
I would really love to sing. If I could sing, I could be an artist like Michael Jackson or Chris Brown. But I can’t sing. I really can’t haha. If you’ve been taking dancing classes for a long time, and your still not as good as the best students in your class, you should ask yourself what’s going wrong. Am I not working hard enough, is this trainer not good for me, or is dancing just not my thing.

Tip 7
The show must go on
Everybody messes up sometimes, even artist do. Sometimes people drop of the stage, or all the lights go out at once. We also sweat a lot while we’re dancing, and I once slipped over that sweat. After a fall, you just pick up the choreo and move on.

Tip 8
Prepare yourself
Sometimes you are so nervous that you can’t remember witch steps come first in the next choreography. You just stand there and time seems to go so slow, two minutes feel like two hours. But if you’re well prepared, things like that happen less often.

Tip 9
Don’t be afraid
Dancers can do a lot more than just dance now adays. We also have to do saltos, acrobatics and freestyle. Buts some things are quite scary when you have to do them for the first time. When I had to do a forward salto for the first time, I hesitated while being in the air. My body immediately stopt turning and I fell flat on my face. So make sure you practice these things on a soft floor.  When you practice this on the streets, things could go terribly wrong.

Tip 10
Keep on developing yourself
When you really move people with your dancing, than you now you’re a real good dancer. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing left to learn. I know a lot of saltos but I want to learn even more and make new combinations with them. When you thing you made it, you will be stuck at the same level. Me, I’m never pleased with myself, I always want to get better.
Source: DisneyXD

Timor Steffens may be wanted by the worlds’ biggest stars and live in a nice house in Hollywood,
the dancer does get homesick for Schiedam, The Netherlands, sometimes.
That’s what he told the AD newspaper today.

“I try to create a look-alike of my moms house as much as possible here in Hollywood” the Michael Jackson-dancer says.
“The warm feeling of coming home, crashing on the couch with my sisters around me and my mom asking:
what do you want for diner, dear?. 
I really long for that sometimes.
But well, it’s an offer I have to make.
I made my choices”.

If there is one thing Timor doesn’t have to worry about, it’s about finding a job.
He gets offers from the worlds’ greatest artists on a daily basis.
Christina Aguilera, Cher, Janet Jackson en Chris Brown.
These are just a few names of artists who approached him for his dancing skills.

But there is bad news for fans who hope to win the heart of the So You Think You Can Dance-finalist.
“I met a nice girl.
It feels good to be with her and I want to follow my feelings.
She is a professional dancer too and lives in Los Angeles. 

Source: Haarlemsdagblad


    You can read interviews about Timor